Several reasons for high pressure blower not starting
We have summarized several reasons why the high pressure blower does not start. As long as you follow this step-by-step inspection, there are basically no problems.
1. Confirm that the power has been turned on if the power has not been turned on.
2. Confirm that the external circuit of the high pressure blower is open and that the power supply and control circuits are intact.
3. Check for electrical wiring errors according to the instructions on the wiring nameplate.
4. The metal connector of the circuit did not make good contact with the metal pressure plate of the wiring base and was reconnected.
5. The motor wiring plug on the wiring base is loose, and the plug should be inserted according to the instructions on the wiring nameplate.
6. Contact the after-sales department for an open circuit in the outlet line of the high pressure blower. Unauthorized disassembly and inspection of the motor is not allowed.
7. The capacitor wiring of the high pressure blower is open circuit or the capacitor is damaged. The internal winding of the motor is open circuit.